Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Effect of Broken Homes on the in Society - 6232 Words

EFFECT OF BROKEN HOMES ON THE SOCIETY A CASE STUDY OF AMUKOKO COMMUNITY IN AJEROMI LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF LAGOS STATE ABSTRACT This paper is a report of the study that examined the effect of broken homes on the society. The sample for the study consisted of inhabitants of the randomly selected families in the neighbourhoods’ of Amukoko community. The adapted form of Guidance and Counselling Achievement Grade Form was used for data collection and the data collected were subjected to statistical analysis using the t-test statistical method. The three null hypotheses formulated were tested at .05 level of significance. The results showed that significant differences existed between the delinquent behaviour of†¦show more content†¦Broken home can be prevented by educating to study each other before going into marriage and not to rush into it. Also, both parents should endure each other in a situation where there is poor socioeconomic status. Also the wives should try and respect their husband and avoid disrupting situation. 1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The statement of the problem is therefore stated thus, to what limit do broken homes causes by separating divorced or death of parents affects both children’s academic performance as well as adulthood career achievements. The children social life could also be affected because they became a problem to their society juvenile delinquency, introvert, behavioural disorder etc. that is a sociological deficiency. 1.3 OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY The purpose of this research is an attempt to find out the effect of broken home on the society. Also, it looks at some of the causes and how to know and compare the percentage of people most especially children from broken home to that of stable home in the society. Another objective of the study is to ascertain the following questions? i. Does lack of parental care, affection and love affect children’s’ behaviour and response to societal norms and values? ii. Can a broken home affect the academic achievement of children? iii. Does lack of parental security affect the society? iv. Does lack of parental discipline affect children when they become adult? 1.4 REVIEWS ON RELATED LITERATURE The brokenShow MoreRelatedEffect of Broken Home on the Academic Performance Among Student S in Secondary School614 Words   |  3 Pagessignificance of the study, scope and delimitation of the study, and the definition of term. A. Background of the Study Family is the basic unit of society.    This is the most important component of a country. A home is where a family lives. It may be alternated    to the word ‘house’ but a house is more appropriately    referring to the material structure, whereas ‘home’ refers to the intangible things that bind together the family members. 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